Friday, April 10, 2009

Some of you out and about in cyberspace {used to called the hinterlands] may have inferred that a mistake, and error, a screw-up, or a misalignment of stars may have occurred on the latest almost done totally awesome guitar. Admit nothing they say. Don't cope to it, they say. Deny everything, they say. A white lie is ok, they say. Well, yes a screw-up did, in fact , occur. It was a very slight blemish on or actually in, or perhaps even under the many many coats of lacquer.. A trial and error approach to repairing the same led to even more mistakes, errors. screw-ups, and the dreaded misalignment of stars. So, whats a girl to do? Beats me, but my solution to the problem, which as I mentioned before took a while to get to, was to simply sand off the offending material, and reapply it with as much skill and dexterity as possible. It truly is amazing how much better I feel knowing the right and correct solution is being realized. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, work on the next, perhaps greatest yet guitar proceeds.


  1. Does that account for the Blue Guitar? All those coats of paint to cover flaws! I am sure you did the right thing, Edwin, but they do
    make paint in rattle cans! jerry

  2. There is that...shake rattle and roll.
