Some of you out and about in cyberspace {used to called the hinterlands] may have inferred that a mistake, and error, a screw-up, or a misalignment of stars may have occurred on the latest almost done totally awesome guitar. Admit nothing they say. Don't cope to it, they say. Deny everything, they say. A white lie is ok, they say. Well, yes a screw-up did, in fact , occur. It was a very slight blemish on or actually in, or perhaps even under the many many coats of lacquer.. A trial and error approach to repairing the same led to even more mistakes, errors. screw-ups, and the dreaded misalignment of stars. So, whats a girl to do? Beats me, but my solution to the problem, which as I mentioned before took a while to get to, was to simply sand off the offending material, and reapply it with as much skill and dexterity as possible. It truly is amazing how much better I feel knowing the right and correct solution is being realized. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, work on the next, perhaps greatest yet guitar proceeds.