Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What does breaking concrete have to do with making guitars? Not a damn thing. Except taking time. Time spent making a guitar is the most valuable, the most necessary part part of making a decent instrument. Time spent on design is probably the most important of all, cause if you start with a bad design, no matter how much time spent on building is will still be a bad guitar. Factories simply can not spend the time to create as can custom builders. Custom builders make guitars for a purpose other than making a lot of money. All of which has lead us to yet another day on chipping away concrete, not guitar building. This too shall pass.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! it has been some time since I've visited this site, or even my own. You are getting wordy and philosophical my friend and I enjoy reading your postings! Love the guitar postings, especially the progressions, the visual inputs and a bit of your mind as you go along! But you are now expanding and I want more! Sailing? How romantic and adventuresom!
    and what could possible be up with the concrete? How does all this tie in???
    I will have to keep reading! My favorite seriel, I am sure. jerry
